Chrysanthemum Vase

Chrysanthemum Vase

from $39.00

This lovely porcelain vase is decorative whether or not you have flowers to put into it. The vase is thrown on a potter's wheel and then decorated with flowers, piped on using cake decorating tools and techniques when the vase is still wet. The mums look lovely in our spring pea glaze, which is a beautiful neutral for almost any floral arrangement.

Available in these sizes:

  • Bud vase measures approximately 5" tall, 1 1/2" across the opening, and 3" across at the widest part.

  • Medium vase measures approximately 6 1/2" tall, 3" across at the opening and 5" across at the widest part.

  • Large vase measures approximately 8 1/2" tall, 3.5" across at the opening and 4.5" across at the widest part.

Sizes are approximate as each one is hand made and unique. Dishwasher safe, but we recommend handwashing for a long life.

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